Spotted towhee

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Spotted Towhee

photo by: Dave Hillstad

Spotted towhee Cinclus mexicanus

Emberizidae Family– 7 genera of sparrows. Mostly small, brown, streaked songbirds. All have short conical bills. Tend to change diet seasonally (insects in summer, seeds in winter).

ID Traits: Larger and stockier than sparrows, with a long tail.  Black hood, red eye, white spots on upper back.  Rufus (orange) flanks.  Black tail with white outer-tail corners.  Black hood- dark grey-brown in females

Habitat: In shrublands, brush, & clearings. Forages on the ground by scratching in litter for seeds and insects

Photos used with permission by Rod Gilbert, photographer:


Notice: white spotting, rufus flanks

Spotted towhee

Notice: Black tail, with white outer corners

Spotted Towhee

photo by: Dave Hillstad